
I am a 22 year-old Englishman, currently Golfing my ball on the European Tour. My Blogging intentions are to keep my thoughts stored, but also to inspire young people by passing on knowledge I have gained through experiences and observations. Do not be afraid to get in touch, whether you have a question or a criticism, I’m all ears! Hope you enjoy my ramblings…

51 Responses to About

  1. Mark Perring says:

    Hi Eddie, I am good friends with Ben Evans and I wondered if you would be happy to answer a few questions. I am writing a book about life on Tour. If so please email me back and I will explain more details

  2. Chas Knight says:

    Eddie… I’ve heard all about your “musings” on Tour. Good stuff.

    All I will say is golf – The World game not just the EuropeanTour (what a draft name in the 21st Century!) needs characters – BIG TIME – you could fit the bill. Become a latter day Trevino, Chi Chi Rodriguez or even a Bubba. Do you own thing, don’t fall into the “Corporate IMG managed” clone.
    Say stuff that you REALLy think, not what a manager thinks would look good at board level in The City.
    BUT… above all play to win and good luck.


  3. Joss Edwards says:


  4. chas knight says:

    Please please, try and become a character on Tour this sport is crying out for just such a person… do you remember Trevino… Chi Rodriquez, Fuzzy Zoeller, Craig Stadler and of course SEVE. You live in a sport which can be duller than watching paint dry… it needs some show biz!!!

    Spark up your media interviews.. be opinionated, be controversial… try getting an “arrangement” with a mate to have a “fued” (you get my drift here I trust?) banter about it in the media.. it gets attention it can be fun. Criticise courses, praise them too… banter about decisions and rulings on tour. Put forward ideas about solving slow play problems. etc etc

    Wear outrageous gear….. maybe not exactly John Daly… but equally better tha Poulter gear!
    Employ a female caddy that looks a million dollars.

    Good luck…here’s to that Augusta invite….

    Cheers, Chas

  5. Craig Morris says:

    Come back to us Eddie, we miss your thoughts and insights to the world of golf!

  6. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts as you experience life on tour.
    I played for 7 years and kept journals of my travels back in the persimmon and balata era.
    The game has changed considerably since then, but the journey of touring and experiencing the world outside of golf is just as important. I enjoyed the traveling and experiences off the course are just as embedded in my mind as anything that happened on the course. It’s all a part of it. Appreciate being out there. Work hard on your game, but make sure to take time off and enjoy other things than airports, hotels and driving ranges.

  7. John Haines says:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Eddie, which are a breath of fresh air in the Tour world. I too like Ken Brown, basically because he tells it like it is without pretense or pontification (also Jay Townsend, Billy Ray Brown and of course Denis Hutchinson who I often can’t understand a word he says but his voice is like music) – they are the best golf commentators on TV.

    Only suggestion: the possessive of golf is golf’s – as in “With Adam Scott and Louis Oosthuizen both withdrawing from the Olympic Games, golfs inclusion in the…” should be “With Adam Scott and Louis Oosthuizen both withdrawing from the Olympic Games, golf’s inclusion in the…”.

    Sorry about your 3rd round in the Scottish. You really had it going through 2 rounds and my wife and I thought, and were hoping, you might do it this time. Keep it up.

    John Haines

  8. Adam Nyland says:


    • Douglas Bennie says:

      Dear Eddie,

      I watch a lot of golf on television these days and am delighted to see you appearing more frequently and attaining increasing success .Long may this continue.

      I am going to ask you rather a strange thing. All your fellow golfers – indeed the entire golfing community it would appear, on both sides of the Atlantic – wear very similar golfing apparell. It looks very smart and I’m sure it is of the highest quality – and price! – but there is a definite sameness about it all. I wonder sometimes why somebody doesn’t break the mold and revert to traditonal styles which are these days presented in a more modern fashion.’Plus-twos’ spring to mind and have scarcely been seen since the days of Payne Stewart, but are now presented in snazzy style with snazzy stockings and accoutrements and you have just the right build and physique to “carry them off” as they say! And ‘proper’ golfing caps instead of the ubiquitous ‘base-ball’ variety,

      I’m not advocating a return to the Bobby Locke fashion of balooning plus-fours but is it silly to suggest a slight change to golfing’s sartorial style? I believe you could spear-head such a move.

      Anyway, my best and kindest wishes for your continuing success,

      Doug Bennie

  9. Simon Hollidge says:

    Any thoughts on the habit of some professional golfers not shouting a simple warning of ‘fore’ when they carve it in to the crowd off the tee? Pat Perez’s behaviour has been terrible but if the Tours do not punish people how is it expected to be stamped out. Surely it’s just a bit of common decency…

  10. Eddie. I love your writing. I am a 22 year old golfer also, currently playing College golf in America. Of course, not near your level yet. I would love to send you some books as I published one just after my 20th birthday and I think you would enjoy it. Thank you for continuing to inspire young golfers and people alike. I love your honesty and openness. Keep up the good work.

  11. Good luck today, young Eddie. What the f*ck.

  12. Keith Sadler says:

    Hi Eddie

    I live in Milton but joined Haddon rather than Drayton! So sorry you didnt get into the Irish. But i thought you were the top qualifier from the school so why were you so low in category – obviously thr top players in your category got in

    Best wishes

  13. Willie Dunlop says:

    Seems you are getting it together again. Your first ET win may be near, just keep believing, you have the talent and your driver is working better now.
    Hope you come out to play in Thailand again, you did like the milk shakes.
    I am playing at Phoenix in a scramble at the end of the month, first game there for some time.
    I did go back to the U.K. for The Scottish Open and The Open.
    Good luck today with your 2nd round to complete. Will be watching on TV as I always do, love watching the ET and nothing more makes it more better when you are getting g air time.

  14. Claes Ryden says:

    I like the blog please notify me with e-mail when there are new postings

    Thanks and good luck in Spain

    Claes Ryden

  15. Hi Eddie, Tim Southwell from GolfPunk here. Would you be interested in running your blog in our monthly digital magazine? We all think it’s brilliant and a great fit for GolfPunk.

  16. Johnny says:

    Congratulations on a massive win Eddie! I have been following your progress on the tour and it just goes to show that overcoming adversity with great tenacity and the right attitude, will prevail! Well done. All the best for the rest of season and I hope you get some more W’s!

    Best Regards


  17. Alison and Paul says:

    Well done Eddie on winning the Qatar Masters … Frilford Heath are so proud of you! Keep going and good luck x

    • Willie Dunlop says:

      Well done Eddie. Knew your time was nigh even though you have had a slow start to the season. Onwards and upwards now, pressure off, just enjoy your golf now to the end of the season and another win I am sure will come but get the driver sorted, the rest is in great nick.
      Hope you enjoyed a few wines last night.
      Was good for me to watch you win on a course I know, having been to The Qatar Masters 3 years in a row when I worked in The Middle East, including Qatar. Shame I was not there.
      Will be playing in a scramble at Phoenix Gold soon, milk shakes for sure.

  18. Nick Bayly says:

    Hi Eddie – Nick Bayly from Golf News here, can you drop me a line on editor@golfnews.co.uk if you have 10 mins to spare, as would love to have a chat about your win.

  19. Anthony Hannington says:

    Hi Eddie,
    Firstly, congratulations on your latest win. What a great achievement!
    I’ve known your day for around 30 years as I was a part of the Abingdon United crew. I remember you as an infant and have followed your golfing achievements.
    I moved away to Chipping Norton some 25 years ago but have kept in touch with friends in Abingdon.
    My partner, Sarah, owns and runs the book shop, Mostly Books, in Stert Street in Abingdon. It’s an independent bookshop that prides itself on recommendations and knowledge of everything to do with books!
    I heard that you might be writing a book and said to Sarah that it would be great to hold an event with you. I’m sure you’d fill a venue with your huge following!
    Sarah does a lot of work with schools and I’m sure a visit to one or two schools would be great too.
    Even if you’re not writing a book, Sarah would love you to drop into the shop to meet you and maybe see if you guys could work on something together.
    Her email is sarah@mostly-books.co uk.

    Again, congratulations on your continued success.
    Best Wishes
    Anthony (your mum and dad know me as Yao).

  20. Arthur Evans says:

    Hi Eddie, just read your latest blog on 8th June…you hit the nail on the head, the biggest challenge that golf has today is that there arent enough juniors coming up the ranks to replace the older brigade who leave it on the other side. I have 2 kids 10 and 8 who are pretty awesome with the elder having a swing and the control of John Daly…trouble is that they are not interested when they are already playing footie, cricket, Gaelic football (i kid u not), hockey, swimming and whatever school throws at them. All i can do is plant the seed and hope that it grows

    Slow play is an irritation rather than a barrier to golf. Its the time aspect actually for the amateur golfer that is priceless because the family dynamic means that middle and lower income families usually have both parents working so golf will be seen as a selfish sport as its a 4 to 6 hr gap in the weekend. I think more super 6 type comps for amateurs should be actyively encouraged,, That ought to bring some intererst if you can be finished in an hr and 1/2. Funny enough though i am on Guernsey, Uk, and so far i have seen little interest in making tournaments short enough to compete with family time

    My last comment is carry on, i enjoy yr blogs and i like seeing how you do on tour…


  21. David Clayton says:

    Hi Eddie,

    Enjoying your blog. It’s refreshing to see your mental thoughts and anxieties are very similar if not identical whilst over the ball.

    Your thoughts over the ball on the 18th tee as you described them – about your hips – will you carry that forward to next round, next practice? Did the thought come mid-round? Some of mine do, they work for a ‘nine’ but next round… gone!

  22. Adam Lanigan says:

    Hi Eddie,

    Adam Lanigan, Sunday Post golf writer here.
    Would love to try to speak to you ahead of the US PGA and to reflect on your great 2 weeks in Scotland. If that’s feasible at all, drop me an email to alanigan@dcthomson.co.uk and hopefully we can sort something out.


  23. Chris Grady says:

    I agree with your point on golf not giving guick enough gratification. I’ve got two boys who are decent players but would prefer playing NBA Live on x-box (they have 2 hour a week limit…) Maybe I’ll tie in that with the amount of golf they play. Thanks and congrats on your British Open play.

  24. Bob Mcguigan says:

    Great insight Eddie into the conflicted way that we often view matters.
    Good luck at the US PGA.

  25. Corrado De Stefani says:

    Hi Eddie!!
    My name is Corrado, I’m an Italian pro golfer. Recently I saw you playing in Sicily, it was actually pretty hard to find space to see some shots of yours between that immense crowds, but I managed to and I’ve enjoyed them. I was in the national team once, we even battled against in a boys team championship in 2008, I hadn’t played against you in particular but I remember you were in the team (you kicked our asses out by beating Matteo didn’t you) and maybe we’ve played a few more together back on those days! I don’t even know why I’ve started to write this, I had in mind to make it a lot shorter but I didn’t, I hope you’ll find the time to read it. Your blog is one of the coolest thing ever don’t stop doing it please, the smartest sense of humor I could imagine! Keep on inspiring, I’m checking every day and hoping for new articles as I was hoping for Oscar Sharpe to drop a shot a few McGregors ago.
    Best of luck!!

  26. James munro says:

    Hi Eddie
    I must congratulate you on your blog. As a parent of a pro I can fully relate to your experience. If possible I’d love to be able to share a couple of pertinent pieces with you but not in a public forum. I look forward to your reply. James

  27. Peter Morris says:

    Hi Eddy

    I remember reading somewhere that you didn’t have a sponsor for your cap?

    Are you looking forward for a company?


  28. Graham Newton says:

    Interesting Articles ~ Well Written

  29. Sean says:

    Congratulations Eddie, fantastic performance and good luck for the rest of the season.

  30. Joe Hicks says:

    Congrats on the win, Eddie.

    I’ve got some interesting thoughts (to me anyway) on your hat sponsorship opportunity. I’d love to share them with you if you’ve got a spare 5 minutes.

    Celebrate well!

  31. Daniel Gabbitas says:

    Hi Eddie,

    Congrats on your recent run of form,

    We are holding a fundraiser for our local sports club in Helmdon, Northamptonshire. We are trying to raise funds for new ground maintenance equipment via a golf society day. We would like to get local people to invest time and money to help our sports club for adults and children.
    I wondered if you are able to provide us with any prizes for the golf day competition?

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Daniel Gabbitas
    Helmdon sports Club secretary.

  32. Pablo Videla says:

    Hi Eddie,

    I’m a graphic designer from London and was wondering whether you’ve ever considered having your own logo. If so I’d love to have a chat.
    I really enjoy reading your blog and look forward to working with you in the future.

    Kind regards,

  33. Hi Eddie, I’m a great admirer of your’s not only for the quality of your golf but for the quality of your writing. I see you as a but of a golfer philosopher. I am a writer myself and would like to sit down with you at some stage and have wide ranging conversation on golf but more importantly on your musings on life in general. Would you be interested to do that. I will come to you anywhere in Europe. Just name the time and pace.
    Rgds Craig

  34. Chris Hanson says:

    Well done at Augusta, Eddie. We here in the land of Oz love your work . Make sure you come to Melbourne sometime, you’ll love it here.

  35. Trev says:


    I hope this message finds you well. My name is Trev Keane and I am on the business development team at Snack Media. Snack Media is one of the largest publishers in the UK. They have a network of sports websites under its remit featuring over 40 million readers. They manage NFL.com and countless other sites and forums in the UK.

    Snack work with brands who are promoting their sports sponsorship rights and therefore can give a higher rate of return to the websites in the network. They have recently rolled out a header bidding stack and have seen a 33-150% increase in publisher’s programmatic revenues as a result. They also can fit into existing bidding and Google Ad systems. They can work to beat what you are currently earning from your traffic.

    Would you be interested in having a chat and learning more?

    Best regards,

  36. Lorlie says:

    Need some physio for your back issue? Powerphysiotherapy@gmail.com


  37. Doug Cottrell says:

    Enjoying watching your play in Ireland this weekend. Best of luck to you

  38. Chris Meade says:

    Hi, Eddie.

    Long time caller, first time listener.

    I’ve had a shitty day. Really shitty. Not that it’s of any consequence to you. I just need to turn something bad into something positive.

    I don’t have any specific request, nor do I want anything from you. You seem like a really decent guy with at least half of your shit together. I hope you have a long and successful career doing what you love, and I hope what you love is golf, because I’m going to be pissed if I have to watch you sell real estate or some other bullshit for the next 30 years.

    Thanks for being a breath of fresh air in this stuffy old cardigan of a sport. Win all the trophies, take all the money. I hope you do it all.

    Nothing but the best,


  39. Rory Jones says:

    Eddie, I’m a journalist for The Wall Street Journal and would like to get in touch with you about this blog. Can you please send me an email to touch base or can you pass on the number of your communications firm (if you have one)? It’s an enjoyable read.

  40. Paul McEldon says:

    Hi Eddie, we really enjoy reading your blogs, we own a social network that is just for golf and wondered if you would mind us posting links to your blogs on there (links directly back your blog so will generate traffic).

    We are a relatively new UK business but have users in 84 countries, the idea of a social network just for golf is that it negates the need to abuse users data by creating hidden profiles for the benefit of advertisers. It would be great if you would check it out.

    Keep doing what you are doing, in our view not only a hugely talented golfer but one of the strongest ambassadors for showing the fun side of the game.

    Thank you in anticipation of a response

    Paul McEldon

  41. James Chadwick says:

    The wolsey ambassador shoot @ Wentworth 2019 video

  42. Robert J Blair says:

    Please add me to your list

  43. Stewart Franks says:

    Hi Eddie,
    I miss your blogs. Nothing since 18 months… I hope you don’t lose that energy. Coincidence that your game has let slip since you’ve stopped writing? Hope you get back to it.
    Best wishes

  44. Ruud Dowes says:

    Fitst time reader, good stuff!

  45. Nick says:

    Eddie, although you are, without question, young and relevant, you can’t still be 22! Time to update your profile.

  46. George Hexton says:

    Excited to hear your further thoughts on the PIF / LIV/ PGA developments of last week.

    Do think there will be a way back for players to the PGA (or whatever they will call the sell-out tour) that will sit okay with the current PGA rooster / stayers.

    Thanks for sharing you canid thoughts. its great.

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